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May 2024

What Is California’s Premises Liability Law?

Premise liability is a law that ensures that a person’s or company’s property is safe for others to access and use. Understanding California’s premise liability law is critical for anyone hurt while visiting another person’s home, a government, or a commercial location. The goal of premise liability law is always to protect others from dangerous conditions that the property owner should have known were present and did not take steps to rectify them. The person responsible, such as…

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How to File a Vaccine Claim

Filing a vaccine claim can be a complex process. It is often best to allow a skilled and specifically skilled attorney to handle this process for you. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, was implemented to offer a non-adversarial and non-litigious method for filing such claims. However, the process remains complex and has numerous limitations that could impact your ability to file such a claim. Talk to a Los Angeles vaccine injury attorney from The Liberatore Law…

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